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    发布日期:2024-03-05 03:46    点击次数:143


    柔和「岛鸣外洋 - GLOBAL DOMAIN」开云捕鱼


    阿巴科群岛坐落于巴哈马北部,紧邻佛罗里达州。本期共享的这座名为Powell Cay的私东说念主岛屿就位于该地区。


    The Abaco Islands are situated in the northern part of the Bahamas, adjacent to Florida. In this edition, we present Powell Cay, a private island located in this region.



    Powell Cay位于Spanish Cay和Manjack Cay之间,地处阿巴科大陆库珀斯镇东朔办法,距离库珀斯镇(阿巴科岛最北的假寓点)约三英里。

    Powell Cay is situated between the Spanish Cay and Manjack Cay, located northeast of Cooper's Town on the Abaco mainland. It is approximately three miles from Cooper's Town, which stands as the northernmost settlement on Abaco Island.


    The island is irregular in shape, and its geographical position gives it effective protection against winds from the north or the east. The northern side of the island spans 126 acres, directly facing the Atlantic Ocean, while the leeward side opens to the Abaco Sea, providing a relative shield. This makes it an ideal haven for sailboats, often chosen as a preferred anchorage point. The island boasts an extensive distribution of beaches, featuring the typical Atlantic coastline adorned with mature trees and shrubs. With over 16,000 feet of fine white sand, these beaches showcase a diverse palette of blue and turquoise hues, offering an incredible seascape.

    该岛的海拔高达42英尺,领有壮丽的岩石陡壁,不错插足珊瑚礁潜水场,赏玩到阿巴科海和大欧好意思的高大气象。在Powell Cay和High Cay之间的水域浅滩,不得当停靠,但却是小艇探索的绝佳区域。岛上还设有几条特质徒步道路,不错骄横冒险者的探险需求。

    With an elevation reaching 42 feet, Powell Cay showcases magnificent rocky cliffs, offering access to coral reef dive sites that afford expansive views of the Abaco Sea and the Atlantic Ocean. The shallow waters between Powell Cay and High Cay are unsuitable for anchoring but offer an excellent area for small boat exploration. Additionally, the island presents several distinctive hiking trails to satisfy the adventurous explorer.


    Powell Cay距隔开邻的Spanish Cay仅有旋即的船程(约3英里)。那边设有一座先进的81泊位船埠,粗略狂放容纳250英尺的游艇,且在落潮时吃水仅为9英尺。此外,Spanish Cay还领有一条长达5000英尺的私东说念主飞机跑说念,便捷喷气式飞机的起降。这些齐为Powell Cay实在立与生计提供了便利。


    Powell Cay is conveniently located just a brief boat ride away from nearby Spanish Cay (approximately 3 miles). Spanish Cay features a state-of-the-art 81-slide dock capable of accommodating yachts up to 250 feet in length, with a draft of only 9 feet during low tide. Furthermore, Spanish Cay hosts a private airstrip spanning 5,000 feet, facilitating the takeoff and landing of jet aircraft, providing added convenience for the development and lifestyle on Powell Cay.

    Powell Cay的总占大地积约为294英亩,其中南部的168英亩岛屿归王室通盘,并已预留为拟议的当然保护区,使该岛成为杰作度假村或私东说念主度假庄园的理思之地。岛屿北部的126英亩地盘曾被办法为私东说念主度假物业,包括旅店、住宅别墅、水疗中心、儿童乐土和两家餐厅。


    The total land area of Powell Cay is approximately 294 acres, with the southern 168 acres designated as a royal-owned proposed nature reserve, making it an ideal location for a boutique resort or a tranquil private retreat. The northern 126 acres of the island were previously planned for private resort development, including hotels, residential villas, a spa, a children's playground, and two restaurants.

    Powell Cay是一座历久产权私东说念主岛屿,其中126英亩可售地盘的挂牌价不到800万好意思金。如有兴味,接待私信参议。


    Powell Cay offers a unique opportunity as a freehold private island, and the listed price for the available 126 acres of land is just under $8 million USD. If you have any interest, feel free to send your inquiry.



    Thanks for your time. Until next time!





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    Global Domain 「岛鸣外洋」是私东说念主岛屿生计花式的主见者,戮力于于提供天下鸿沟内信得过有用的私东说念主岛屿销售信息及配套行状。在后疫情和地缘政事糟蹋风险加大的新期间配景下,为高净值东说念主群对资金安全和东说念主身安全的双重需求提议立异性的措置有料想打算。

